This software is intended for creating the data matrices. REQUIREMENTS For the DNA-methylation matrix creator: Java Runtime Environment 7 or upper version; hadoop-1.2.1; pig-0.13.0. For the RNA-sequencing and combined matrix creator: Java Runtime Environment 7 or upper version INPUT For the input please consider the TCGA2BED version of TCGA available at DNA-METHYLATION MATRIX CREATOR For creating the DNA-methylation data matrix open the terminal and run the following command: $ java -jar DNA-Methylation_MatrixCreator.jar output_path disease_name input_path where output_path, is a path of a folder in your file system where you want to create the final matrix; disease_name, is the name of the tumor or disease (or a code) for identifying the final matrix file; input_path, is the path of the folder where the bed files are located. example: java -jar DNA-Methylation_MatrixCreator.jar output_DNAMeth_matrix BreastCancer brca/dnamethylation450 RNA-SEQUENCING MATRIX CREATOR For creating the RNA-sequencing data matrix open the terminal and run the following command: $ java -jar RNA-sequencing_MatrixCreator.jar output_path disease_name path_input where output_path, is a path of a folder in your file system where you want to create the final matrix; disease_name, is the name of the tumor or disease (or a code) for identifying the final matrix file; input_path, is the path of the folder where the bed files are located. example: java -jar RNA-sequencing_MatrixCreator.jar output_RNASeq_matrix BreastCancer brca/gene.quantification COMBINED MATRIX CREATOR For creating the combined data matrix open the terminal and run the following command: $ java -jar Combined_MatrixCreator.jar output_path disease_name dnaMethylatin_matrix_path rnaSequencing_matrix_path where output_path, is a path of a folder in your file system where you want to create the final matrix; disease_name, is the name of the tumor or disease (or a code) for identifying the final matrix file; dnaMethylatin_matrix_path, is the path where the DNA-methylation matrix is located; rnaSequencing_matrix_path, is the path where the RNA-sequencing matrix is located. example: java -jar Combined_MatrixCreator.jar output_INT_matrix BreastCancer output_DNAMeth_matrix/DNA-methylation_Matrix_BreastCancer.csv output_RNASeq_matrix/RNA-sequencing_Matrix_BreastCancer.csv CONTACTS Please contact Eleonora Cappelli ( if you have questions.